Wednesday, April 22, 2015

KAS prelims over... Waiting for results

Just before Prelims I was feeling that time is moving at speed of light nearly... now that its over... looks stand still... awaiting the key answers... doubting whether I would get cleared or not for mains...

Long back I had written a post on Woman aspirants, 

and had listed out how they can study while managing their heavy responsibilities... when I was writing the post had little knowledge on how difficult the situations could be ... now that am in same boat understand its not that easy... anyways I did not give up and will never give up also.. Have worked hard with whatever time I had and wrote the exam. now the cut off would decide whether I am in the race or not... 

I am finding it very hard to write the post as feeling very sad that could have done better,anyways I think its the similar kind of situation for many... The only thing possible in the world is to decide on future and work hard , since past can never be edited... Analyse  mistakes and think on how to proceed further is the only course of action possible now. 

I wish every one good luck for Results.


Anonymous said...

Hi, please post few example questions of prelims 2015 if possible, just so curious.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Admin, same here also.
Waiting for official key answers from kpsc...

Anonymous said...

Hello AshviniSekar .... Cheer Up Hard work will Give Fruits always...

Anonymous said...

Hello AshviniSekar .... Cheer Up
Hard work will result in Good Note...
you and people like you will be in Race...

Anonymous said...

Hi every was the paper?was it easy or difficult one?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashwini....even I don't perform well in 2 and paper..,.I m feeling very bad....but really I worked so hard for did exam....

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I feel compare to previous KAS exams this time it looks tough/tricky and also -ve marking. I guess cut off may be less.

Unknown said...

Hi every1..... Key answers r out... But only for paper-1.... Any idea about paper-2 key answers... M getting 96 in paper-1.... Pls share your marks!!

Anonymous said...

Hi any clue when the results will be announced ?

May 3rd week
May 4th week
June 1st week
or later ?

Susana Laurencia said...

Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
Thank for your very good article...!
